About Me

I am a techno/gadget freak. I love almost anything that has to do with computers and software. I have an engineering background, but I haven't worked in that field for over 10 years. I married my wonderful husband in September 2004 and look forward to spending every single day of the rest of my life with him. I love cats and even call myself "Cat".


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yay! Stampin Canada will stay open!!!

I'm so glad that Wenchie decided to keep the site up and running.  Like I said, its been kind of like my home for the last 2 years.  I'm so glad its going to stay open.  I think the site will be better and the interaction between everyone there will be even better as well.  I'm looking forward to being more involved with the site.  I offered up my services to Wenchie to help with the technical upkeep of the site.  I think it will be fun to do.  I love anything that has to do with computers and software.  I am a geek, yes I admit it.


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